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Natural Language Processing: Language analysis and automation.

Sandhya has been engaged in the application of computational techniques to the analysis and synthesis of natural language and speech since 2000. She specializes in the following:

  • Speech recognition, especially solving the challenges of how people talk—quickly, slurring words together, with varying emphasis and intonation, in different accents, and often using incorrect grammar.

  • Speech tagging & Semantic Analysis, solving the challenges of determining the part of speech of a particular word or piece of text based on its use and context along with the correct meaning of the word in the given context.

  • Named entity recognition,identifying words or phrases as useful entities. 

  • Co-reference resolution, identifying if and when two words refer to the same entity.

  • Sentiment analysis extracting subjective qualities—attitudes, emotions, sarcasm, confusion, suspicion—from text.

  • Natural language generation, putting structured information into human language.

Natural Language Processing: Language analysis and automation.

Whether you use AI applications based on ML or foundation models, AI can give your business a competitive advantage. Integrating customized AI models into your workflows and systems, and automating functions such as customer service, supply chain management and cybersecurity, can help a business meet customers’ expectations, both today and as they increase in the future.

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